Name of the project: YOUth Are The Voice
Date: 5th to 12th November 2018
Country/City: France, Villemer
What was the main topic of the event?
Laura-Liis Moritz – Creating a campaign for a movement;
Sandra Tarve – How to raise the quality of social media campaigns on different social media platforms
Marie Pappel – How to use social media for promoting social change
What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Laura-Liis Moritz – The biggest learning moment for me was when we were talking about the different philosophers who have to do something with communication.
Sandra Tarve – Whole project was big learning moment for me. I started to see things from the others perspective. I really liked media labs and stimulation games. I learned a lot from others.
Marie Pappel – I think in general I practiced being more active in group work and got motivated to speak my mind more, especially about the things that matter. I tend to be too passive at times and afraid to state my opinion. This course thought me that every opinion matters.
Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Laura-Liis Moritz – Yes, definitely I will use the knowledge I got from the project in my future life for promoting events etc.
Sandra Tarve – I would like to participate in other Erasmus programmes.
Marie Pappel – This training course definitely made me motivated to be more active in the society and promote my ideas more, but I am yet not sure in what way will I do it in the future. Guess i will see when I am done with my thesis and I have time to focus on other matters.
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Laura-Liis Moritz – Definitely yes, because the people there were amazing and it is more fun to learn by doing.
Sandra Tarve – I would definitely recommend this experience for my friends and others as well. This experience gave me the understanding that people from different cultures, ethnic backgrounds, religions can enrich each other lives a lot. It is easy to see just the surface but what lies beneath the surface is more important 🙂
Marie Pappel – Absolutely, it was really interesting and eye-opening. I gained a lot of new knowledge, met new people and had a good time in general.
More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!
Sandra Tarve – Thank you for the course! It was very useful and eye opening experience.
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme