nyh koolitus training course erasmus+ prantsusmaa france call participants

Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for a Training Course called YOUth Are The Voice” which will take place from 5th until 13th November 2018 in Paris, France.




“Youth are the Voice” training course is based partly on non-formal education and partly on the principle of apprenticeship and hands-on. Nowadays it is vital for youth and youth based civil society organizations to grasp how social media works, not only because it is a free promotional tool for one’s activities and projects, but also because it is today the most powerful existing tool for activating communities behind a cause.


The course itself will present to participants the basics of communication, public communication, influence, persuasion and rhetoric and how this applies to social media and communicating one’s messages and values to the wider public. Will look into the sociology and psychology of mass-communication, as well as analyzing the most recent existing movements which widely used social media and how it proved to be essential for its success (Also analyzing how opponents to these movements in turn learnt to use social media).


Most important of all this course includes a very strong elements of practice and hands-on where everything that was learnt during the sessions can be put into practice, developing a social media strategy and implementing it under the support and coaching of two international trainers.


This event will bring together 35 participants from Estonia, France, Poland, Czechia, Italy, Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Sweden, Slovenia, Greece and Finland. The event will be held in English. There are 2 vacancies available and participants should be minimum 18 years old.


The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 245 euros. There will be a participation fee of 40 Eur. per participant.


All the interested people should fill the application form below.


Application deadline: 8th October 2018


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