Name of the project: (Anti) Social
Date: 11th July until 19th July 2018
Country/City: Czech Republic/Kolin
What was the main topic of the event?
Karmen Kullamaa – Social media
Kadri Spriit – Social Media
Diana Ossadtsajad – The way social media affects people minds on different controversial topics, and how to efficiently use social media platforms for different purposes.
What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Karmen Kullamaa – I learned a lot about history through different media campaigns we made. Also new ideas regarding to our teamworks.
Kadri Spriit – Tips and tricks, how to use social media and edit pictures on my smartphone. Content creation in general, new learning practices and training methods.
Diana Ossadtsajad – It is pretty hard to highlight some particular moments, because the whole course was very intensive, but the most interesting things were:*Spiral dynamics theory; *Ladder of participation; *Photography workshop and *How do stereotypes arise
Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Karmen Kullamaa – Yes, to participate in different training courses with interesting topics and maybe to be more or less part of Noored Ühiskonna Heaks.
Kadri Spriit – As I´ve been part of the Erasmus community (even before Erasmus+) for quite some time, it´s very natural for me to keep myself updated on what´s happening on the field. Sharing and exchanging experience is something I would like to do in the future as well, but where, when and how – future will show
Diana Ossadtsajad – Yes, I got some pretty good ideas, how to use given information in my everyday work (career education for teenagers), and how to develop this area in Estonia.
I’ve learned a lot of practical information about the volunteering opportunities and now consider going on EVS (Still have some time, yay!)
I’ve found out, that I have a strong interest for the educators work, and suspect, that this is the field, where I would like to evolve myself.
And I’m already looking for the new training courses to participate in!
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Karmen Kullamaa – I have recommended these projects already before and definitely will also do in the future because I have been participating in different youth exchanges and training courses and it has gave me a lot of new knowledges and good friends.
Kadri Spriit – I would definitely recommend different Erasmus+ projects as it is a wonderful learning experience!
Diana Ossadtsajad – I already recommend it to all of my friends, colleagues and students (especially students!), because participation in a different projects not only broadens the mind, but also gives you a lot of connections from around the world and, as a line in your CV, gives a giant bonus to future employment.
More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!
Kadri Spriit – The training course was very practical. I got deeper understanding in the topics covered and have implemented some ideas (and also vocabulary) to my everyday life.
Diana Ossadtsajad – For those, who are still considering going on their first project ever, but are afraid of… anything, I want to say: Grab your backpack, take some local foods and just go there! This is an incredible experience, which would probably blow your mind and make you a very different (better!) person!
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme