Date: 4th to 12th July 2018

Country/City: Turkey/Istanbul





What was the main topic of the event?

Janet Kukk – How to be a good mentor

Sirje Soo – The main topic was how to be a great mentor, to improve skills of mentors

What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?

Janet Kukk – To see and reflect myself as a mentor and in advance getting to know Islam religion.

Sirje Soo – I learned a lot of about EVS, cause this was my first project, so it helped me


to understand what is EVS and what are they actually doing.

Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?

Janet Kukk –For sure, I would like to attend other youth exchanges, training courses and to do ESC if possible.

Sirje Soo – I was thinking about studying youth work even before that project. And i would love to participate in another project as well.

Would you recommend it to your friends? If yes, why? If not, why not?

Janet Kukk – YES! It’s great opportunity to meet new, smart, interesting people. Improve your knowledge. Practice languages. Get to know yourself better. Learn a lot of games. And have fun!

Sirje Soo – Yes, of course. We had different topics, workshops and games. Usually when people are participating in this kind of projects, they will learn a lot about themselves, so it’s good to go out of your comfort-zone. I met a lot of lovely people in Istanbul, with some people we were also discovering Istanbul and had so much fun! It’s always good to know about different cultures and discover new places!

More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!

Janet Kukk – Kõik noortevahetused ja koolitused on nii huvitavad, erilised, harivad, lõbusad, väärtuslikud. Need ei unune iial!

Türgi on üks maagiline koht, kus on suurepärased aktivistid, kes korraldasid tõsiselt põneva koolituse.

Sirje Soo – I was very happy that hosting organization was listening us every evening and they did their best to solve all the problems that people had.



This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
