Name of the project: Peers for inclusion
Date: 14th to 22nd May 2018
Country/City: Romania, Arad
- What was the main topic of the event?
Ulvi Karu – How to include people with visual impairment in workshops and trainings
- What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Ulvi Karu – What is important in supporting people with visual impairment – not feeling pity and over
caring but being constructive.
- Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Ulvi Karu – Probably, depending on facilities, but designing workshop and trainings so that visually impaired people can participate as well.
- Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Ulvi Karu – Yes, it is good opportunity to get valuable skills, information and contacts.
- More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!
Ulvi Karu – I got valuable practice and knowledge from this training – as well as met new people and places.
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme