Name of the project: It starts with You(th)
Date: 20th – 27th March 2018
Country/City: Croatia, Bratina
What was the main topic of the event?
Jan-Martin: To give compentences and knowledge to social workers when working with social minorities and people with less opportunities. We learned it through social inclusion and simulation games.
Kristiina: Tolerance, Inclusion, Integration through the use of Simulation games
What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Jan-Martin: I learned so much when I was communicating with other participants, we exchanged experiences and discussed our cultural differences. Some of the differences really surprised me. It made me feel like a small part of this big world, where all these magnificent people co-exist. Also through simulation games we had the opportunity to act and feel like the people we want to help generally, it made me realise what kind of help they would possibly need. I also learned that I really enjoyed the leader role in different group tasks. When given the task, I instantly had a vision to complete it, people agreed with my ideas and we succeeded with the solutions.
Kristiina: The Simulation games were great- fun to participate and also great to experience and think of opposing sides.
Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Jan-Martin: course, once you step on the Erasmus+ train its hard to get off! I will definitely take part in more training courses and youth exchanges. I also have a certain plan to complete the EVS program.
Kristiina: The simulation games created were fun and I would love to teach others some of the games created. Also, I will definitely speak highly of the Erasmus + program to others as it’s a wonder opportunity for young people to integrate with other countries, travel and see the world.
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Jan-Martin: Absolutely I would recommend this to all of my friends, especially those who maybe shy and in their comfort zone or who hasn’t travelled that much. I say that this project will make your persona and character grow exponentially. These projects have had such a positive and powerful impact on me, its AMAZING! 🙂
Kristiina: Yes, definitely. It is great to meet people from different backgrounds, learn about their culture, as well as participate in the activities
More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!
Jan-Martin: Projektile saamine on ka oluline osa oma kodumaa esindamisest. Kõigi nende 3-5 osaleja valduses on võim kujundada esmaarvamus oma kodumaast rahvusvahelisele publikule. See on imehea “reklaam” oma kodumaale.
Eestis olles tunnen end argielus sellise tagasihoidliku ja neutraalse inimesena, projektile minnes tunnen nagu oleks keegi aktiveerinud minus lüliti mis muudab mind energiliseks, sotsiaalseks, positiivseks, ambitsioonikaks jne. 🙂 Superhea nädal mida argielust eemal veeta.
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme