Name: Xavier VERGER
Age: 21
Country/City: France/Serpaize
Activity Dates: September 2017 to May 2018
Total Months of Volunteering: 9 months
Hosting City in Estonia: Nõo, Tartumaa
Hosting Organisation: Nõo Youth Center http://n6onoor.webs.com/noortekeskus.htm
Main Activities:
- Youth Center: I pass the most of my week here. I exchange with the youngsters, and do some activities like handicraft, cooking, outsides activities. On this moment we manage and involve our different youngster to renovate an old room in games room (with their own ideas and initiative).
- Kinder Garden: Help the youngsters (from 2 two 7 years old) in their different activities and to try that they gain autonomy. At the end of my project, we will organize an activity with all the youngsters in the Kinder Garden.
- France class: Organizing France moment with different ages groups (basic and high school student), with non-formal learning about cultures, languages…
Blog: http://n6onoor.webs.com/apps/blog/
On this blog, I talk about my time in Estonia, my job in the Youth Center and my different travel.