maris lepp vabatahtlik teenistus european voluntary service greeceName: Maris Lepp

Age: 23

Region/City: Ida-Virumaa / Oonurme





Activity Dates: 5th of April 2017 – 5th of January 2018

Total Months of Volunteering: 9 months


Hosting Country: Greece

Hosting Organisation: PRAXIS Greece

Main Activities Developed:

*Working in a local radio station. During my voluntary service we were working in a radio station, where we were doing technical control for the morning show and making live broadcasts on “European Youth Zone” program. Our themes varied from entertainment to topics to raise social awareness (for example: migration, youth involvement etc.)

*Creating social media content and campaigns for UNESCO’s International Days. “International Days” mark important aspects of human life and history and to raise more awarness about those, we created social media content like videos, writing articles, photos to talk about them in the local society. Also organised related public events to celebrate the achivements of humanity.

*Working with youth in our organisation’s info-center. Our weekly Schedule included activities like language lessons (English, German, Greek) and leisure time activities like movie evenings, Football Fridays, hiking for the youth from local refugee camp.


External Links of Blog or Description: 

“Mediart” blog:

PRAXIS Greece Youtube channel:

PRAXIS Greece Facebook page:
