Name of the project: Act Non-Formal

Date: 16th to 24th March 2017
Country/City: St. Andreasberg, Germany

What was the main topic of the event?

Aimar: The main topic was using drama-methods in work with youth. For this aim we went through different ways of improv, learned about “the theatre of the oppressed”, did some creative writing and with our teams developed one activity to other participants. All this was lead by funny and wise trainers Maria and Mohammed.

Ann: The main reason we spend an awesome week in St. Andreasberg was theatre and everything related to it and, of course, all the possible ways to integrate theatre into non-formal youth work. And yes, I agree, that the trainers were awesome and really inspiring. I felt like one week is not enough to absorb everything they had to give. And what is even more interesting, Maria and Mohammed met only a day before the training, but for all of us it seemed like they had known each other for years already – that’s how well they made it work.

Kaidi: In my mind the training was about how to guide children to open and express themselves better. 

What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?

Ann: Besides all the new methods and ideas I gained more confidence to perform myself and come up with my own ideas. Also I feel like I am now way more motivated to organize something myself, even if at first only at my own school.

Aimar: The short and easy answer would be, that the whole training was one big learning moment for me. But by thinking about it more deeply, some clearer moments come up. One of the biggest learning moments was improv theatre for me. I discovered, that I knew and had done some methods of it before, but this time
everything was together and I learned, that it isn’t so difficult as I imagined. Once I stepped in action fright faded and ideas started to come. It was also cool to learn, that I had used some methods of improv theatre in my everyday work while in front of class.
Another big learning moment was theatre of the oppressed and especially the forum theatre. I have seen it a few times before but never so deeply and for the first time I understood all the possibilities, what it involves. Also I am more ready to use it with my students in my lessons, because I understood the method better.

Kaidi: I learned different methods to teach children to know themselves better. Also I learned how to guide them better in order to create contact with people from other places and from different cultures.

Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?

Ann: I am definitely planning to use many of these methods at my workplace during the summer camps. Although I am a language teacher drama is a good tool to encourage kids to express themselves and not to be afraid of speaking.

Aimar: I don’t know yet exactly when or how, but I certainly will use at least some learned methods in my work. One of the subjects I teach is Social Studies and I think I could use “Theatre of the oppressed” to learn some topics in it. And maybe some younger students would be interested to try improv methods in learning history.

Kaidi: Actually I have already used some learned methods with my students and certainly will continue. In further future I plan to use them to solve and avoid conflicts between students and bring them closer to each-other. So yes, I already am active in this field.

Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?

Ann: I am really happy that I had an opportunity to participate in this project. NaturKultur is definitely an organization doing some good work. I would like myself and, of course, recommend to others to participate in their projects.

Aimar: I will certainly recommend it to my friends. It was one of the best done training I have been in and I enjoyed every moment. The trainers were understanding and fun and whole experience gave a lot of thinking and ideas. Plus meeting many interesting people from different places and getting many new contacts. I don’t think, that anyone would regret it.

Kaidi: Yes, certainly. Everybody needs to learn how to understand other people better and how to live next to each-other in the multicultural world full of differences.

The group was composed by Aimar Silivälja, Ann Laurand, Kaidi Pirso and Inga Tarlap!

This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
