Name of the project: Mentoring: Act for Change

Date: 24th to 30th October 2016
Country/City:Armenia, Toros

What was the main topic of the event?

The main topic of the training was the role of EVS mentors. Each day we learned about the responsibilities of mentors, main tasks etc. We had many interactive examples of different situations what can happen with the volunteer and how to solve the problems. The trainers had a lot of tips from the real life to share in order to be a better mentor.   
What were the biggest learning moments on the event for you?

I guess that the biggest learning moments were actually connected with other participants. We had a nice bunch of people from different cultures and backrounds. Everybody shared their own experiences and it was truly interesting to hear and see how different people act and react.
Do you have any plans to continue follow up? If yes, what?

I would like to be a mentor by myself. It seems really an interesting role and there’s no better feeling than seeing that your help really matters for someone.
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?

Yes I definitely recommend it. Travelling really broadens your mind and if you can connect it with a training and manage to get friends from different countries it’s like an unlimited source afterwards – you can study further from your friend’s experiences while keeping in touch. 

This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme