Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for a Youth Exchange called “CirkOOH! CirkAAH!” which will take place from 05th until 14th August 2016in Leuven, Belgium.
For the 4th international youth exchange in Leuven we will bring together 60 youngsters with different backgrounds from all over Europe and use circus and urban arts as a communicative tool. With circus and urban arts the youngsters can express themselves, artistically, emotionally and personally. How can we understand each other through circus and urban arts? What are similarities and what are differences in how we are experiencing circus and urban art? The participants and local audience will be challenged by the tricks, message, emotion or story that is communicated through the performances which the youngsters will present during their exchange.
On the local level we are working with 15 local refugee- youngsters who will be invited to participate in different circus and urban art workshops, which are hosted and organized by the participants of the youth exchange. For these workshops we are implementing a new circus methodology created by a Social Studies student in 2015. This methodology aims to learn new circus skills together with a new language.
This event will bring together 60 participants from 5 European Countries. The event will be held in English. There are 12 vacancies available and participants should have minimum 15 years old until 26 years old.
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 170 euros. There will be a participation fee of 40 Eur. per participant.
All the interested people should fill the application form below. The application form must be sent to
Application deadline: 14th May 2016
Application form here:
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