Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for a long term training course on clobal education  called “Be Part of World’s Future”. The project includes two training courses, one of which will take place from 15th until 24th April 2016 in Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, and the next one from 21st until 30th October 2016 in Busteni, Romania. In between and after the training courses  there will be opportunity to actively initiate local activities in your desired field together with your team members.

The long term project is developed in cooperation of 7 partners and lead by the organization Youth Dialogue Programme (Serbia). The organization’s main focus is intercultural dialogue and understanding, together with the empowerment of young people, especially the ones coming from marginalized and vulnerable groups.

The main goal of the project is to build capacity of youth organization to implement global education with young people, to increase their level of global responsibility and global citizenship competencies. A global citizen is a person who has a global perspective and mind-set, understands the global implication of their actions, takes the responsibility attached to them and is constantly making changes in their lives in order to accommodate their impact on the world in a positive manner. Global education is one of the approaches which have proved to be very efficient in contributing to a raise in the number of global citizens. It is the education which develops global citizenship competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes).

More specific objectives of this project are:
·         To increase the knowledge level of young people and youth workers in topics like: global interdependencies (from environmental, cultural, economic and political approach), global issues, climate change, consumerism and sustainable lifestyle; sustainable development;
·         To stimulate the internalization of global values (as solidarity, global consciences, responsibility, etc.) for youth workers, young people and youth organization which will be reflected on personal, professional and community level;
·         To increase the level of sustainable life styles of young people, youth workers and youth organization;
This event will bring together 28 participants from Cyprus, Estonia, Romania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Portugal, Serbia. The event will be held in English. There are 4 vacancies available and participants should have minimum 18 years of age.

The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel and visa costs for the participants – up to 550 euros (275€ for one training course). There will be a participation fee of 50€ (25€ for each training course) per participant.

All the interested people should fill the application form below. The application form must be sent to

Application deadline: 28th February 2016

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