Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for a Training Course called “MotivACTION” which will take place in 10th until 17th June 2015in Nicolosi (Sicily), Italy.
“MotivACTION” is a Training Course based on the aim to develop motivational skills of youth exchange leaders towards young participants, stimulating their active participation. The formation of leaders of various NGOs will increase the quality of youth exchanges and youth projects through the search for appropriate models of motivation.
The main idea underlying the project involves the development of different forms of motivation that they see the leader, not as a teacher or a mentor, but a situation in which these leaders play the role of a facilitators who know how to motivate and engage young people.
The Aims are:
• Promote and facilitate the active approach to construct adequate models of motivation;
• Achieve the results of the project and disseminate them, using the experience gained in everyday life, in local organizations or in international projects;
• Increase the understanding of the role of leader in youth exchanges, youth projects and increase knowledge on personal and professional development in youth work and other fields;
• Facilitate reflection and self-evaluation on the personal motivation to be a leader;
• Build capacities and creative communication, support intercultural exchange, mutual understanding between young people in different countries, through the new competencies and skills gained will help to improve the quality of youth projects;
• Work on the skills that are key to active participation among young people.
This event will bring together 36 participants from 18 countries from Programme countries of Erasmus +. The event will be held in English. There are 2 vacancies available and participants should have minimum 18 years old.
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants (up to 335 euros). There will be a participation fee of 40 Eur. per participant.
All the interested people should fill the application form below. The application form must be sent to
Application deadline: 15th March 2015
Application form here: