The change required by the EU for “Sustainable Development” can only come from education, a new type of education that requires new resources. Existing crises in education do not provide the required resources to transform education towards sustainable development.
In the context of global issues reorienting education requires effort from all stakeholders – governments, ministries etc but primarily from those who actually work with youth : youth workers , teachers etc.
The purpose of “ESD Go On” is Increasing awareness of youth workers towards global issues, the impact that they have on their lives and their communities and propose through educational materials it contains, a model for action at individual, community and global levels.
Using non-formal methods , under the guidance of two international trainers, participants will conduct the activities in order achieve the specific objectives:
– development of future oriented-thinking
– development of a responsible behavior towards resources
– development of skills to initiate change
– setting a communication network to contribute in changing mentalities and attitudes in communities
This event will bring together 30 participants from European Union countries. The event will be held in English. There are 3 vacancies available and participants should have minimum 18 years old.