Edela Eesti Arenuskeskus in cooperation with Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for volunteers for a project called “Europale” which will take place from 1st September 2013 until 1st March 2014 in Évora, Portugal!
There’s only 1 vacancy!
Brief summary of the project:  Omnis Factum Association presents the EVS project entitled “EUROPALE” meaning Alentejo in Europe in order to give the opportunity to four (4) young people from four (4) different countries of the European Union to develop a volunteer project with young people living in one of the most aged zone of Portugal.
The district of Évora will thus be benefited from the presence of volunteers who want, above all,  interact with the population in order to assist in the development of European citizenship, long forgotten in that community. It is intended that the youth interact with the volunteers in order to make present in their day-to-day, issues such as citizenship, participation, volunteering, intercultural, inter-generational dialogue, human rights, anti-discrimination, among many others. We also wanted the project to tap future European affairs, notably the European elections, because this was also the district where there was greater abstention in 2009.
Volunteers will have the opportunity to create and develop activities for the general population, such as informal meetings with young people, workshop, training courses, games, outdoor activities, sports, conferences, cultural events, among others.
In this project the participating countries are Portugal, Estonia, Czech Republic, Greece and Austria. We will have in this partnership a local host organization, which is the Municipio de Viana do Alentejo to help implement the project in the district of Évora.
Draft Work Schedule and responsibilities: the volunteers will work in several places such as public schools, local associations, Omnis Factum main house in Evora and the city hall of Viana do Alentejo. The plan is also to go to other places of the district but it’s not yet confirmed because we need to know the possibility of other city’s to have the volunteers.
Work time:
Maximum 35 hours weekly.
Daily agenda: 10:00 to 18:00
Free days: two days per every week. (Saturday, Sunday) The work hours are flexible depending on the volunteer’s and the instructor’s needs. If the volunteer has to work on the weekend, then the volunteer gets the free day in another time. Every month the volunteer has two free days! It means that during 12 month the volunteer has 24 days for holiday.
Financial conditions:
Travel – 90% of the travel to go and return to Portugal.
Accommodation – The project cover 100% of the accommodation of the volunteer. The volunteer will share the flat with another volunteer.
Food – There is a fixed amount of money delivered to the volunteer which should allow him/her to don’t have any costs with the alimentation. The amount will be around 300 euros per month.
Activities – All working activities are 100% paid by the project
Pocket Money – The volunteer will receive 95 Euros per month of the project.
Insurance – Every EVS volunteer must be enrolled into the Group Insurance Plan for EVS volunteers foreseen by the Youth in Action Programme, which complements the coverage by national social security systems. All costs with doctors are paid or reimbursed with the AXA volunteer insurance.
EVS Training and Evaluation Cycle: The volunteer will have the chance to join the following trainings during his EVS time free of charge!
�� pre-departure training (before go to the project)
�� on-arrival training (in the first month in Portugal)
�� mid-term evaluation (in the end of the year)
�� evaluation of the Activity. (when return to Estonia).
Profile of the volunteer:
The volunteer should have a minimum 18 years old and a maximum 30 years old. We are looking for a serious and outgoing person who can work well in a team and by him/herself. We are having constantly programs with youngsters and children. 
All the interested people should send the CV and Motivation Letter in English to marco@nyh.ee
Application deadline: 12th July 2013