Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for a Youth Exchange called “Living Treasures” which will take place in 02nd until 09th June 2013 in Adana, Turkey.
The main goal of project : Soon or later we will get older, at that time, when we look at the back, long way would be already passed with lots of experience and mark of life’s’ .Elderly people are always vulnerable, helpless and each of them is a ‘Living Treasures’. They are a kind of human book; therefore the aim of this project is to bring people together in one-to-one conversation, to encourage understanding, sharing life experiences, to obtain first-hand information about history, love, and sadness from old-aged people.
Our objective is to organise the project in ‘home for aged, or nursing home’ to give a message to elderly people: we are here to share your priceless experience, we are here to convey our hand and remind them that you are not forgotten’. In the first 3 days we will make workshops, analyse the method to the way of approaching to book (elderly people) and the role of readers (we are readers). And then rest of the way we plan to implement the project in nursing house by obtaining their experience. In this way, we also aim to keep alive of ex-games that almost forgotten by new generation. We assure that, this project will open up new doors in your future life regarding the importance of your time that would never come back. Lest go to be reader of a ‘living book’.
This Exchange will bring together 24 participants from France UK, Estonia and Turkey. The exchange will be held in English. There are 6 vacanciesavailable and participants should have minimum 18 years old.
The Youth in Action programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse the participants with 70% of the travel costs. There will be a participation fee of 40 Eur. per participant.
All the interested people should fill the application form below. The application form must be sent to
Application deadline: 01st May 2013
Application form here: